For those who did, was it a success?What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
Very much what Heather stated.
My truth - my origin - my story.
The stuff that only my family of origin could give me.
Also - to finally see others that looked like me, talk like me %26amp; have talents like me.
Yes - I've been successful in gaining all of that - finally.
I no longer feel so much like a stranger in a foreign land.
It would have been nice to have it my entire life - like every 'real' kid (non adopted) is allowed to have.
What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
I want to know my story, and I want to be able to share it with my kids. It doesn't matter to me what kind of story I find, I want to know it, even if it is horrible. The icing on the cake would be to find a great person who I connect with at the end of the search. I would hope for that but I don't necessarily expect it. But my main purpose is to find and preserve my history before it is too late.
(Disclaimer- I'd also like to add that I have had a great life with my adoptive parents. This has nothing to do with trying to replace them or being unhappy with them)
I just wanted some health information. I found my birth mother through the state's registry. I found out much more. Including my heritage was not what I thought it was, many great family stories and a great feeling knowing that I was able to tell her that I don't hold anything against her. We live very far away from each other, but write, email and sometimes talk on the phone. It's a really slow process, but I am really glad that I found her. She was also able to tell me a little bit about my birth father, although I haven't gotten him to contact me. I've heard the horror stories though. I was lucky.
I hoped to find truth, a relationship, a family, for my children to know their biological roots too.
The first reunion with my family was an absolute mess. A lot of hurt still existed on all sides of the equation. It became too much and I dropped out of sight. I recently re-reunited with my sister, and so far so good.
i just wanted to know where i came from, like real kids know.
it was successful in the sense that i found. she won't give me a medical history though.
but i also found 17 siblings. so if you think of it as ';success'; to find them all, and then find out you were the only one that wasn't kept, it really sucked.
I hoped to find a body with a pulse. I had no idea if my daughter was still alive or not. Compliments of a closed adoption.
In reunion for 9 years now. Yeah I think we're successful.
To see if my mother would like the person I had grown up to be, and to see if she missed me.
As for your second question, I don't know - haven't gone back yet. :P
I'm the firstmom and I wanted to find out if she was healthy and happy. Our reunion is a success.
The truth.
Yes, I found the truth of my origins = success!
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