Im really feeling crappy and down this week. Feel im fighting a loosing battle, juggling work, study, being a mum, running a home, and trying to keep a fairly new relationship on track. Anyone else feeling the same?Is any other single parent feeling the pressure?
absolutely...and i know there are some out there that will have a sarcastic comment for you, but the pressure sometimes is parents are away on holiday, my brother in hosptal having a serious operation, and i have a broken 3 are 11, 13 and 15, and i have been on my own since the youngest was 6 weeks, when my supposedly 'wonderful' husband left us....things can be so tough at times, and you have 100% sympathy from me.....i am feeling so vulnerable at he mo, not having my mum, dad and brother around, and the only good friend I have has a new partner, so i feel alone, but we will get there, and just think of the amazing job we are doing!Is any other single parent feeling the pressure?
Yes I feel like that a lot, I'm in exactly the same position as you and what makes it worse is that my kids wouldn't see their dad so they were with me 24/7, which made it even more difficult, especially witht the new relationship. Now they may be having a little contact with their dad and that opens up a whole new can of worms - good in respect I may get a little time for me and my new fella and bad in that last time he had contact he wanted to see them only when it suited him and wouldn't stick to any plans.
I'm not a single mom but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you and all the other single mothers that you guys are awesome.
My husband is currently deployed. This is my first ';real'; stay with two boys by myself. Let me tell you, I don't even work and I'm exhausted!
Big props to you. Hang in there, I'm sure you're doing an amazing job. Tomorrow's another day so just take it easy today and start with a clean slate tomorrow! Best of Luck!
My son will be 21 in June but for most of his life I was a single parent and I hated every moment of it. Maybe that's because I took the responsibility very seriously, as you should. Now he's grown though it's become a distant memory but please don't feel you have to be perfect. It's hard enough when two of you are dealing with things but when you're on your own you have to be bad cop as well as good cop and for me at least I felt hugely guilty, especially if I couldn't financially provide as well as some other parents.
Your child thinks you're amazing and wouldn't swap you for the world. It's ok to cry and be human. Everyone is the same behind closed doors so don't believe they're not.
Well done. You obviously work hard and people like you make me proud. xx
Ah darling my heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel. I am a single mum,, I have no family to fall back on. I love my son to bits but the pressure is immense. I struggle financially and emotionally. Its so hard on yr own with a child, especially if you don't get much support. I did look to see if I could contact you privately but you don't allow email or IM. Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk to someone in the same boat! xx
Oh babe - been there, done that!!!
I was a single parent for about 17 yrs! The best and worst of times! I have felt like ';I can't go on!!'; and then you will overhear a conversation between your child and one of their friends and it makes it all better. I was walking down the hall when my son was in Middle School and heard his friend ask ';since you don't have a dad - who taught you to....(ride bike, play ball, etc, etc)'; -- he proudly announced 'MY MOM!'. I just hurried down the hall with tears running down my face - full of pride for the understanding and loving young man that I managed to raise!
You too will get through this rough patch! If you need to vent, feel free to email me.
If it's any consolation to you I am not a single parent and I'm struggling to cope with it all so the fact that you even have time to ask the question is amazing. It's not easy.
Well done and I'm sure you will get through it and when you look back at it in the future you will laugh.
It must make you and your kids stronger and closer.
Keep your chin up
I was a single mom of 5 boys for a long time. college student. worked, more. yeah you get there and just when your on the edge and think you cant take a bit more in walked a grubby kid who uprooted the flowers you just planted and spilled soda on your homework with a scripple on a sale flyer and he tells you that this is him and this is mommy and this is the flower he is giving mommy becuase he loves her. It makes every pain in the world worth it.
Yep hunni, I feel like this most days.......
My life is like bloody ground hog day every day!! Each one exactly the same and equally as sh1te! But, I must say the happiest thing that ever happened to me was having my little girl.......yes, after having her I was dumped - became strapped for cash - had no social life - constantly stressed about bills etc
But I would never, ever have it any other way because when she comes into my room in the morning to wake me or I wake her - her face tells me it's all worth it! When she hugs and kisses me and tells me she loves me - I'd go through everything all over again in a heartbeat!
Thing will get easier and rememeber the babes grow up and will eventually leave you so savour the time you have will them ! its priceless.......your a strong woman and you will succeed even if you get down - just get back up!
i am doing the same, but only sometimes feel the preasure, email me if you want some down to earth chat... racheal x
I'm struggling with the same things and trying to get through them, however, I'm with my same guy. I want to crack and scream and cry when that pressure raises to the top. But the best thing I can tell you is to keep your calm and try talking to a close friend or relative about your problems.
try works for me!
I am not a single mum, but I grew up with one who worked all the time because our dad only gave me, her and my brother sixty quid a week to live on between us. I was a nightmare, my brother was a wreck and my mum used to have a breakdown once every two years and refuse to leave her bedroom.
Sounds negative I know, but I just wanted to say that you sound like an incredible person to be doing what you're doing. Being a mother is hell as far as I can make out, and I worship and look up to mine since I got old enough to work out just what a horrible time she was having. I love her tons and I bet your kids will worship you when they realise what you've done for them. Don't give up, you're not fighting a losing battle, you're working towards a fantastic future. You don't have to be perfect btw, just do what you can, the fact you're keeping it up at all is incredible.
if it makes u feel better, my babys not evn born yet n im feeling the pressure!! having just been told i've got to move by July as the in laws i live wiv at the mo (wanted to support me as much as poss) are moving early August to Birmingham!! my claim to benefit taht i put in in...oo...feb STILL hasn't been sorted (lost it abt 3 times now) and my ex (babys dad) has pretty much just shown me he'll show off our daughter, but actually caring 4 her is my 'problem' nice bastard that he is!
All the time. There just aren't enough hours in the day, are there? I only have one 3 year old and she's takes up all my time, I really don't know how any woman manages with more.
Then people have the audacity to say we only have children for the money. There are a lot easier things to do for money than have kids.
I suppose we just keep going because we don't really have a choice. We do a fantastic job and we should be really proud of ourselves.
Vato, thank you for your comments, it's really nice to know that ';normal'; mothers can appreciate where we're coming from; I wish your hubby a safe return and God Bless Him for his selfless help.
i hate all that pressure
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