Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?

My daughter is 11 and she started her period in December. Every since she will have a heavy flow for about 3 days then off for 2-3 days and it starts all over. It's the same cycle for the last few months. She has a dr appointment tomorrow but they already told me they suggest birth control for her. I was devestated. Is there any other way? Please help.I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?
Why are you devastated to put her on the pill? What is happening to her is not good for her and her body. There is not another way and you have to do what is best for her.I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?
I was only ten years old when I started my period, it was just like what you are describing and it was horrifying. Unfortunately at the time it was unheard of to put such a young girl on birth control so I had to suffer through that until I was fourteen. But now, there are so many uses for birth control such as acne, hormone regulation et cetera. Just because your daughter is going on birth control, it doesn't mean you are giving her a free pass to have unprotected sex or sex at all. I would say that this is not really for you, its for your daughter so that she doesn't have to go through what I did. It seems strange, but its worth it for her.
Yes, if its possible for you - pls do an online search for a place near you that does an EIS Scan [Electro Interstitial Scanner] - pls look it up it will explain everything. Theres only 3 of these scanners in this country at the moment, but its very good and maybe get to the root of the problem for your daughter. Its jst a 2-3 min scan. It has helped me a great deal after being ill for many yrs.
There probably is no other way and she needs this, because of what's going on with her. Trust me.

Just make sure you have a talk and tell her more about birth control and if she's responsible and you trust her, don't worry. she's only eleven and i'm sure that you've parented her to make the right decisions
Birth control has plenty of other uses. It helps people who have hormone imbalances, acne, excess body hair, irregular periods, heavy periods.. and many other things. Just don't think of it as birth control if that's what bothers you.
birth control is the usual course of drug used to regulate periods.

There may be other methods to use tho, depending on the cause.

I would suggest you ask this question in women's health.. you may get better responses.
my sister was like that when she was 9... turned out she had diabetes...
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