Thanks :)What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
Make sure you do not cook with non-stick pans. If they are slightly over heated the fumes releases could kill Lazer.What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
Congrats! If you want this to be your companion, do not get another. You will be its friend. If you get a second bird, yours will likely turn it's care to the other bird and you will be left out.
I hope the bird was hand raised and will be your best friend.
Be sure to clip broccoli or greens to the side of the cage for it weekly and provide a cuttle bone for needed calcium. Tiny toys too.
You can Google - budgie care and learn more.
Congratulations! Budgies make great pets. There are a lot of great books out there to tell you about care of your pet. If you don't own a book or can't afford to get one right now, check one out at your local library.
One of things I really stress to anyone wanting a parakeet is to keep them out of drafts. Budgies can catch cold and if they do, they can go down very quickly. If you have a book on budgies, please be sure to read information on this and have on hand what you would need to treat a sick bird.
Another thing to understand particularly about male budgies is that they are like roosters, in that they will give you a wake up call each morning. Yes, they squawk and chatter in the morning, just like a rooster would crow. Additionally, they will chatter away and squawk when they hear birds outside chirping.
Budgies can be taught to say simple words and phrases. Just keep in mind that if you want the bird to talk, don't pair it with another bird and don't let it have a mirror in the cage for the first few months. Also, male budgies are the better talkers of the breed.
When teaching a word or phrase, take the bird into a quiet room. Repeat the phrase slowly and clearly, over and over. Spend about 15-20 minutes each session. Try to have a session daily. Every bird is different, but most will have picked up their first word by about week 3. Don't try to teach more than one word or a phrase at a time. Once the phrase/word is learned, be sure to repeat it along with any new word/phrase in the new session. Pretty soon your bird will delightedly go through its whole repetoire of words and phrases all day long, and especially when it sees or hears you! I use to take mine into the bathroom and stand in front of our full-length mirror with the bird on my hand in front of my mouth or sit him on my shoulder. I'd stand very close to the mirror so he could interact with my image and his, while we had our lesson. This seemed to work very well.
Be sure to offer your budgie a wide variety of fresh foods, not just seed or pelleted food. They need fresh greens, like celery leaves or small stalks, pieces of apple, and orange. They love cooked rice, or pasta, just be sure it has cooled before letting he bird have it. My budgie loved spaghetti with the marinara sauce and a bit of fresh parmesan cheese, water with ice cubes in it, 7Up with ice in it, cheerios in milk and many other things.
Enjoy your new little friend. If you take good care of him, he can live for 10 or more years easily.
well i was really excited when i got mine too :) if it came with a manual read that over a couple of times to memorize your daily routine. 'i advice NOT to get mad or hit them at this stage if they don't stay or do what you say. remember they just don't know what;s going on. Once they were with their friends playing happily and people looking and visiting them, then out of now where i ended up in a cage! it's natural for every living thing on earth! Also let them out in a room for half an hour or more for them to feel a little more free.*****Also VERY important if you get a parakeet/budgie PLEASE get 2 or more. They would be heart-broken if they were by themselves. To them it feels like a punishment! here's a VERy helpful site in training them and more about these birds:鈥?/a>
You shuold get a book on budgies. I just picked one up from Ebay for less that five dollars. That is the best way to learn about parakeets is to read the book and then use that as a guide as you experience the parakeet. The book will give you details on how to train and to take care of the bird.
Get a copy of the Animal Planet ';Parakeets'; book by Nikki Moustaki. You can pick up a copy used on Amazon for a dollar. It's excellent, a very easy read, nice layout, color photos.
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