Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?

For those who did, was it a success?What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
Very much what Heather stated.

My truth - my origin - my story.

The stuff that only my family of origin could give me.

Also - to finally see others that looked like me, talk like me %26amp; have talents like me.

Yes - I've been successful in gaining all of that - finally.

I no longer feel so much like a stranger in a foreign land.

It would have been nice to have it my entire life - like every 'real' kid (non adopted) is allowed to have.

What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
I want to know my story, and I want to be able to share it with my kids. It doesn't matter to me what kind of story I find, I want to know it, even if it is horrible. The icing on the cake would be to find a great person who I connect with at the end of the search. I would hope for that but I don't necessarily expect it. But my main purpose is to find and preserve my history before it is too late.

(Disclaimer- I'd also like to add that I have had a great life with my adoptive parents. This has nothing to do with trying to replace them or being unhappy with them)
I just wanted some health information. I found my birth mother through the state's registry. I found out much more. Including my heritage was not what I thought it was, many great family stories and a great feeling knowing that I was able to tell her that I don't hold anything against her. We live very far away from each other, but write, email and sometimes talk on the phone. It's a really slow process, but I am really glad that I found her. She was also able to tell me a little bit about my birth father, although I haven't gotten him to contact me. I've heard the horror stories though. I was lucky.
I hoped to find truth, a relationship, a family, for my children to know their biological roots too.

The first reunion with my family was an absolute mess. A lot of hurt still existed on all sides of the equation. It became too much and I dropped out of sight. I recently re-reunited with my sister, and so far so good.
i just wanted to know where i came from, like real kids know.

it was successful in the sense that i found. she won't give me a medical history though.

but i also found 17 siblings. so if you think of it as ';success'; to find them all, and then find out you were the only one that wasn't kept, it really sucked.
I hoped to find a body with a pulse. I had no idea if my daughter was still alive or not. Compliments of a closed adoption.

In reunion for 9 years now. Yeah I think we're successful.
To see if my mother would like the person I had grown up to be, and to see if she missed me.

As for your second question, I don't know - haven't gone back yet. :P
I'm the firstmom and I wanted to find out if she was healthy and happy. Our reunion is a success.
The truth.

Yes, I found the truth of my origins = success!
  • makeup help
  • Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?

    All other options have been exhausted, time outs didn't work, taking away priviliges didn't work, talking to them didn't work so what else is there to do? Spanking is not child abuse, it is a form of discipline, take the military for example. If a soldier is out of line, many times they punish him by making him do physical things, such as push ups. A spank is nothing more than push ups to a soldier, it is a form of discipline that is not abuse or mistreatment. This new generation of kids is growing to be disrespectful and destructive because parents don't take responsibility and the ones that do are acused of child abuse for a simple spank and have to live through an ordeal of having their children taken away. So what is the solution?Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?
    Why do we listen to ';educators'; ';psychologist'; and the like? Parents are who they are, have been for several 10-thousands of years. Children understand full well why a normally loving mommy is hopping mad. They see the crash coming. It is part of their normal growing up, a necessary test of wills.

    Most will agree: abuse is REALLY bad. So this is not the subject. Some of my successful (and fondly remembered) kindergarten teachers and ';educators'; had no degrees, no formal education, and some had a short fuse. Other idiots on the other hand, who found it necessary to lecture/ interfere with the upbringing of our children and grandchildren, in the name of a Psychology Degree, were just that ';idiots';.

    I believe that 90% of parents know exactly how to effectively 'discipline' a pest. And 95% really do love their children. So, leave normal parents alone, let them do what they do, what their parents, grand parents, and ancestors have done for centuries.

    Who is so conceited to believe the world has found a fundamentally NEW, in fact the ONLY way to bring up a small child? This, somewhere around 1968, at Harvard and UC Berkeley.Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?
    whatever you do, do not spank our of anger. if you need to spank, cool off, and then when you are calm, take your child and spank on the butt. then you will be respected a heck of alot more from your child and society by spanking with care. good luck!
    I don't believe spanking your child makes you a bad parent. I don't believe in spanking for every bad thing a child does, but as a last resort or for something very serious (i.e. they try to run or do run out in the street, try to grab a sharp knife etc).

    Some children don't listen to anything other than a spanking. As long as you aren't bruising or spanking other places other than their rump, I don't see the problem.
    I wouldn't say its a bad thing to do it's just a way of disciplining.

    Everyone has their own methods.

    Personally I do not spank my children I have a method where I notice and praise them for all their good behaviour and ignore their bad behaviour unless it is causing harm to themselves, others or objets in which case I would tell them to stop and explain why, and if they didnt listen I would put them in time out to hink anbout it, or for an older child removing privilages such as watching tv or playing out works well.

    Each to their own I say..

    Although I do think that if you are spanking your child as a punishment for soing something bad then they might think it is alright to hit you or someone else for doing something they dont like....
    i spank my children, its how sever you spank them if i child abuse.
    Spank your kids but don't go over board with it. Because talking don't always help. Discipline is the best thing to do and it'll help your child in the future.
    if you are consistent with discipline, it works, and it is not the same, have your child do push ups then, if you think it's the same, we don't spank criminals do we?
    We have 4 children, ranging in ages from 9 all the way to 6 months. We have never used any sort of physical discipline at all on any of our children. From the time they could understand directions, we have given all our children several jobs around the house. I think this makes them feel a part of the big picture. My oldest folds laundry, helps cook dinner, cleans, dusts, etc.. Our 2 year old picks up toys, helps put clothes into the dryer, puts clothes away in the drawer, etc... No, they don't always do it the way I would, but the point is, it teaches them responsibility. When our children have tested their bounderies and made bad choices, they receive a negative consequence directly related to their action. For example, if I ask my 5 year old to clean her room so we can go to the park, and she procrastinates, well then she doesn't get to go to the park. We also take privileges away. Our children are respectful and are expected to say ';yes M'am'; and ';yes sir'; to all adults. They are taught that their family is first before friends. We limit their TV to only being allowed to view it after age 3, and only 1 hour total per day of PBS. One only needs to turn on any of those other channels and wonder why children are so disrespectful! I believe that children who are disrespectful towards their parents do so because they were not taught at a very young age that its not acceptable. Unfortunately, I also think a lot of children are craving attention from their parents that maybe they are not getting enough of. Our children are not perfect, nor would we want them to be. But we can go out anywhere and know they are well-behaved. They receive compliments all the time and when this happens, I always reward them with something small such as extra time to stay up, etc... The point is, everyone can raise their children the way they chose. But we all have consequences for our actions as well and I feel that if you chose physical discipline to punish children instead of TEACHING them as a baby what is expected in your home, then you will also have to deal with what happens later on when the child resents the parents or becomes more and more sneaky to get away with something.
    I think if you will watch the Nanny show you will learn how to do time outs properly and other techniques so that spanking won't be necessary! Consistancy is the key. I've learned that you don't need to spank or yell by watching the show! I applaud you for making your child mind, but it would be better for you both if you didn't have to spank. Good Luck with it!
    I am from a very traditional African family so spanking was the way I was disciplined. I never got hurt by my parents neither did I feel mistreated in any way. It was as simple as I do something stupid and I get punished for it. Later, my mother tried all sorts of other punishments e.g. time-outs and withholding allowances and no tv for my younger brothers but nothing ever worked as well as a good old-fashioned spanking and in the end she always went back to it. I feel I am a better person for it, especially because I am the hard-headed kind. I don't hate or resent my mother for spanking me, in fact, it makes me love her even more that she moulded my character from an early age and that she did what she had to do to make me the responsible person I am today. So don't feel bad for doing it, but at the same time, know when enough spanking is enough, you don't want to go overboard into the cruel and unusual punishment territory and some things don't warrant a complete spanking, just a good pinch of the ears or cheeks. And never hit the child's head. But I think you are a great parent if you discipline your child and not let them run wild like the mollycoddled kids of these days.

    BTW, I turned out ok, I am in an Ivy League school and I speak 9 languages and I never ever lie. And I love my mommy :-)
    no, you're not a bad parent if you spank your child. it isn't child abuse. not all kids are the same. some kids are very easy and some aren't.it drives me nuts when some are very free with thier advice and assume that all kids can and should be disciplined the same. it's a last resort but sometimes it has to be done. i know for a fact that even some police officers are fed up with the crap thats going on now. some kids are now calling the cops on their parents for a swat on the butt. it's crazy. a local deputy once told my kid's'; guess what? if mom and dad want to spank your butt, they can'; (my kids we're about 13%26amp;11 at the time.)i say, as long as it's with the hand, do what you need to do.
    I hate spanking, but it's far better than no discipline at all. I like the idea of making kids do push-ups. In a few years, my husband (Army) will probably do just that!
    It sounds like you've already decided spanking is okay. It is better not to spank but is a lot more work, as well as time-consuming. It takes patience to place a toddler in timeout 12 times instead of spanking. Be consistent. Spanking teaches a child that hitting is a solution. If you want them to join the military or be a bully, I guess that works.
    it depends how old they r. if they r little kids like little 5 year olds or something like that it is appropriate because pain will make them think ';will i want to do that again'; but if their older like 13 taking privalleges away is way worse(trust me im 15).if they speak badly give them soap.
    The solution isn't spanking, it's parenting. Time outs are a great form of parenting, however most parents give in way too easily, or don't do them at all, they merely tell their kid that they're bad, and I'm sorry but negative attention is still attention, kids don't understand.

    They could also make them do pushups, that seems logical.

    However spanking does nothing, you're taking your frustration out on your kid. Also when the kids grow up they'll have spanking fetishes, which you can see by the prevalence of spanking fetishes in areas where spanking is still done by parents and schools, versus places where it doesn't happen. I mean seriously let your kids develop sexually on their own, rather than when they jerk off with a sore *** and get associative behaviour ingrained in their being.

    So spanking is a terrible option, it's nothing more than a frustrated parent not doing their job yet again. It didn't work before(lets face it the boomers were screwed up too and a lot of them got spanked), instead we need parenting. We need a way to teach people how to parent well, and how to show their kids boundaries so that the kids can stop seeking them.

    We need parental education, to show sperm and egg donors how to raise a child and be a father and mother.
    Not necessarily, as long as it is NEVER EVER meted out when angry. My 10 year old son has only been spanked about 5 times in his life, and those were after there was a series of events, consequences, leading up to the spanking.

    Don't threaten to spank, or any other form of punishment, and then not follow through.

    When my son broke a serious safety or respect rule, he was given the opportunity to explain himself, had to write a note to illustrate that he understood what he did. Then he was given a warning, if it happened again then this privelege would be taken away for this amount of time. If it happened after that next punishment, he would be spanked.

    Spankings are then handled as a HUGE event, with him having to come into the living room, getting a swat on the bare bottom. The build up to the actual spanking is worse than the hit itself; he knows we will not spank except in very few circumstances and he avoids them nearly always (it has been 2 years since the last occurence). At 10, I think we are beyond spanking so we will take away team sports events instead. But the spanking is an effective tool if used very sparingly and only when fairly forewarned.

    And ALWAYS follow a spank with a hug and a brief talk about how you love him/her and don't want to spank again, repeat the rule broken and have him/her promise to not break that rule again.
    NO. NOT AT ALL. and do not listen to any one who says different
    You sound like you've already made up your mind on the issue, but I do not think spanking (done properly) is child abuse. I have heard the argument that spanking doesn't work because you have to spank more and more. In my case it was EXACTLY the opposite. I spanked a couple of times when my daughter was little and was CONSISTENT about it (not just spanking her when I got mad - but using it as a last resort punishment in a series of steps). She hasn't had to be spanked in years and years and is a very well-behaved young lady. Good luck (and BE CONSISTENT!) :)
    By all means spank if necessary. Do not abuse. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
    ';A spank is nothing more than push ups to a soldier,..'; are you kidding me?

    You wanna make your kid run laps, climb walls, do pushups, go ahead. But do not for one moment insult us by assuming that we are all so ignorant and blind as to believe that excercise is remotely similar to hitting/spanking your child.

    Give me a break.

    You do not see managers ';spank'; their employees for poor behavior, you do not see the military ';spanking'; soldiers, and when a spouse ';spanks'; another spouse as a form of discipline it's DOMESTIC ABUSE. So why is it okay to do it to children? I just don't get that.
    Spanking should never be used as a first option, But if all else fails then you have to do some thing don't you.

    I don't see any thing wrong with a spanking.

    discipline works in levels and you teach your child by using every level to obey your laws first of all, and the laws of the land.

    Most countries have different levels of punishment for those who bend the law and so should parents.
    NO YOU ARE A BAD PARENT IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO (in my opinion) spanking is a very thin line legally. the police say it is legal but DCS says it is child abuse you need to be very careful treading that line. I believe spanking is a necessary evil to properly raise a child into a responsible productive member of society. if you choose to spank always remember on the bottom only and no more than 3 swats with your hand oh and don't hit while you are angry ( these are all dcs rules where i live)
    That's what the producers of supernanny want you to think, then they get a new episode.

    The bible says not ot spare the rod of discipline. Could his just be 'figurative' as discipline in general? Well, I was spanked. I'm not mean and sadistic. I respect authority, I pay my bills, I'm not a man-whore, I don't smoke or do drugs. I'm not abusive to my wife.

    People who say spanking leads to all those things are just making excuses for their own shortcomings.

    As long as you do it with love and understanding that they are little people who'll one day choose your nursing home.
    whack away!
    No, I always spanked my kids, but only when needed, and I done it out of love.
    NO and I repeat NO you are by no means a bad parent. kids today are so disrespectful. I mean when i was growing up my mom hit me but not my step dad. He refused to hit a girl. I had to babysit these two 6 y.olds. They can be so bratty and when the one kid didn't get what she wanted she started flipping out. Her mum asked us what she should do. We told her, hit her. Mum didn't believe in it. When her mum left I told her straight up, kid you know my mum would have spanked me for what you just did. And I talked to her lk an adult I said don't you do this again, i mean it. so you really have to be tough with them and I mean, they are kids, your smarter than they are, so act it.
    I totally agree.You don't have to kill the kid or beat him...a simple tap on the rear or hand isn't going to kill them. Everyone's views are diff. on this, but I grew up getting my a*s tore up. I am just fine.

    As long as you don't beat the kid I don't understand this whole thing. All the people making these laws majority of them had to have grown up in a home that spanked. Back then it was considered ';okay';. Now its abuse. The times are diff. in so many ways and look at the violence and bs going down.

    Its ridiculous that a parent cant make the decision now-a-days on whether to spank their own kids or not. Its sad to me!

    Personally, I wish I would have raised my children back in a simpler time.
    I agree. Solution: spank people that think its child abuse.
    Honestly I don't know either. I agree with you 100 percent. I do believe in spanking a child, not beating but spanking. AND YES...THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I know there are going to be many comments from those out there ridiculing this method of punishment, but it does work. When I was a child I didn't back talk, I wasn't disrespectful, and I did well in school. Now, all people have are excuses with NO consequences for their child's actions. Children learn this, after all if they know they can get away with something they will continue to do it. And what happens as they grow up...with no consequence their behavior becomes more and more severe. All these people THINK that they do know is that spanking is bad, but they have no alternative that actually works. Years ago when it was acceptable we didn't have near as many problems out of children that we have today.
    Personally I don't believe in spanking a child because its just like teaching them a form of violence or teaching them that its okay to hit someone.

    Thats not cool.

    I am the noncustodial parent but am able to claim my son . Is there ANY WAY I can claim Head of Household?

    Ex wife signed 8332 allowing me to claim son as an exemtion. I do not have my son more than 6 months of the year, but am wondering if there is any other tax code I am missing that would allow me to claim HOHI am the noncustodial parent but am able to claim my son . Is there ANY WAY I can claim Head of Household?
    No, you cannot claim. The following is from IRS pub 501. The last paragraph takes away your exemption:

    Head of Household

    You may be able to file as head of household if you meet all the following requirements.

    You are unmarried or “considered unmarried” on the last day of the year.

    You paid more than half the cost of keeping up a home for the year.

    A “qualifying person” lived with you in the home for more than half the year (except for temporary absences, such as school). However, if the “qualifying person” is your dependent parent, he or she does not have to live with you. See Special rule for parent, later, under Qualifying Person.I am the noncustodial parent but am able to claim my son . Is there ANY WAY I can claim Head of Household?
    If your son qualifies as your dependent, then you can claim head of household.
    Not unless you have a dependent relative who DID live with you more than half the year, or you can claim a parent as a dependent - a parent is the only relative who does NOT have to live with you for over half the year, but still qualify you to file as Head of Household.

    You do not qualify to file as head of household because your son is a dependent, since he didn't live with you for over half the year.

    See IRS Publication 17, page 23 for a table showing who is a qualifying person for you to file as head of household. You can download it at irs.gov
    i think even if you have ur son less than 6 months u have to claim him for atleast 6 months.

    for furthur clarifications go through these tax efiling sites. good luck

    What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?

    For those who did, was it a success?What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
    Very much what Heather stated.

    My truth - my origin - my story.

    The stuff that only my family of origin could give me.

    Also - to finally see others that looked like me, talk like me %26amp; have talents like me.

    Yes - I've been successful in gaining all of that - finally.

    I no longer feel so much like a stranger in a foreign land.

    It would have been nice to have it my entire life - like every 'real' kid (non adopted) is allowed to have.

    What do you hope to find when searching for a birth/first parent?
    I want to know my story, and I want to be able to share it with my kids. It doesn't matter to me what kind of story I find, I want to know it, even if it is horrible. The icing on the cake would be to find a great person who I connect with at the end of the search. I would hope for that but I don't necessarily expect it. But my main purpose is to find and preserve my history before it is too late.

    (Disclaimer- I'd also like to add that I have had a great life with my adoptive parents. This has nothing to do with trying to replace them or being unhappy with them)
    I just wanted some health information. I found my birth mother through the state's registry. I found out much more. Including my heritage was not what I thought it was, many great family stories and a great feeling knowing that I was able to tell her that I don't hold anything against her. We live very far away from each other, but write, email and sometimes talk on the phone. It's a really slow process, but I am really glad that I found her. She was also able to tell me a little bit about my birth father, although I haven't gotten him to contact me. I've heard the horror stories though. I was lucky.
    I hoped to find truth, a relationship, a family, for my children to know their biological roots too.

    The first reunion with my family was an absolute mess. A lot of hurt still existed on all sides of the equation. It became too much and I dropped out of sight. I recently re-reunited with my sister, and so far so good.
    i just wanted to know where i came from, like real kids know.

    it was successful in the sense that i found. she won't give me a medical history though.

    but i also found 17 siblings. so if you think of it as ';success'; to find them all, and then find out you were the only one that wasn't kept, it really sucked.
    I hoped to find a body with a pulse. I had no idea if my daughter was still alive or not. Compliments of a closed adoption.

    In reunion for 9 years now. Yeah I think we're successful.
    To see if my mother would like the person I had grown up to be, and to see if she missed me.

    As for your second question, I don't know - haven't gone back yet. :P
    I'm the firstmom and I wanted to find out if she was healthy and happy. Our reunion is a success.
    The truth.

    Yes, I found the truth of my origins = success!

    Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?

    All other options have been exhausted, time outs didn't work, taking away priviliges didn't work, talking to them didn't work so what else is there to do? Spanking is not child abuse, it is a form of discipline, take the military for example. If a soldier is out of line, many times they punish him by making him do physical things, such as push ups. A spank is nothing more than push ups to a soldier, it is a form of discipline that is not abuse or mistreatment. This new generation of kids is growing to be disrespectful and destructive because parents don't take responsibility and the ones that do are acused of child abuse for a simple spank and have to live through an ordeal of having their children taken away. So what is the solution?Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?
    Why do we listen to ';educators'; ';psychologist'; and the like? Parents are who they are, have been for several 10-thousands of years. Children understand full well why a normally loving mommy is hopping mad. They see the crash coming. It is part of their normal growing up, a necessary test of wills.

    Most will agree: abuse is REALLY bad. So this is not the subject. Some of my successful (and fondly remembered) kindergarten teachers and ';educators'; had no degrees, no formal education, and some had a short fuse. Other idiots on the other hand, who found it necessary to lecture/ interfere with the upbringing of our children and grandchildren, in the name of a Psychology Degree, were just that ';idiots';.

    I believe that 90% of parents know exactly how to effectively 'discipline' a pest. And 95% really do love their children. So, leave normal parents alone, let them do what they do, what their parents, grand parents, and ancestors have done for centuries.

    Who is so conceited to believe the world has found a fundamentally NEW, in fact the ONLY way to bring up a small child? This, somewhere around 1968, at Harvard and UC Berkeley.Are you a bad parent if you decide to spank your child as a form of discipline?
    whatever you do, do not spank our of anger. if you need to spank, cool off, and then when you are calm, take your child and spank on the butt. then you will be respected a heck of alot more from your child and society by spanking with care. good luck!
    I don't believe spanking your child makes you a bad parent. I don't believe in spanking for every bad thing a child does, but as a last resort or for something very serious (i.e. they try to run or do run out in the street, try to grab a sharp knife etc).

    Some children don't listen to anything other than a spanking. As long as you aren't bruising or spanking other places other than their rump, I don't see the problem.
    I wouldn't say its a bad thing to do it's just a way of disciplining.

    Everyone has their own methods.

    Personally I do not spank my children I have a method where I notice and praise them for all their good behaviour and ignore their bad behaviour unless it is causing harm to themselves, others or objets in which case I would tell them to stop and explain why, and if they didnt listen I would put them in time out to hink anbout it, or for an older child removing privilages such as watching tv or playing out works well.

    Each to their own I say..

    Although I do think that if you are spanking your child as a punishment for soing something bad then they might think it is alright to hit you or someone else for doing something they dont like....
    i spank my children, its how sever you spank them if i child abuse.
    Spank your kids but don't go over board with it. Because talking don't always help. Discipline is the best thing to do and it'll help your child in the future.
    if you are consistent with discipline, it works, and it is not the same, have your child do push ups then, if you think it's the same, we don't spank criminals do we?
    We have 4 children, ranging in ages from 9 all the way to 6 months. We have never used any sort of physical discipline at all on any of our children. From the time they could understand directions, we have given all our children several jobs around the house. I think this makes them feel a part of the big picture. My oldest folds laundry, helps cook dinner, cleans, dusts, etc.. Our 2 year old picks up toys, helps put clothes into the dryer, puts clothes away in the drawer, etc... No, they don't always do it the way I would, but the point is, it teaches them responsibility. When our children have tested their bounderies and made bad choices, they receive a negative consequence directly related to their action. For example, if I ask my 5 year old to clean her room so we can go to the park, and she procrastinates, well then she doesn't get to go to the park. We also take privileges away. Our children are respectful and are expected to say ';yes M'am'; and ';yes sir'; to all adults. They are taught that their family is first before friends. We limit their TV to only being allowed to view it after age 3, and only 1 hour total per day of PBS. One only needs to turn on any of those other channels and wonder why children are so disrespectful! I believe that children who are disrespectful towards their parents do so because they were not taught at a very young age that its not acceptable. Unfortunately, I also think a lot of children are craving attention from their parents that maybe they are not getting enough of. Our children are not perfect, nor would we want them to be. But we can go out anywhere and know they are well-behaved. They receive compliments all the time and when this happens, I always reward them with something small such as extra time to stay up, etc... The point is, everyone can raise their children the way they chose. But we all have consequences for our actions as well and I feel that if you chose physical discipline to punish children instead of TEACHING them as a baby what is expected in your home, then you will also have to deal with what happens later on when the child resents the parents or becomes more and more sneaky to get away with something.
    I think if you will watch the Nanny show you will learn how to do time outs properly and other techniques so that spanking won't be necessary! Consistancy is the key. I've learned that you don't need to spank or yell by watching the show! I applaud you for making your child mind, but it would be better for you both if you didn't have to spank. Good Luck with it!
    I am from a very traditional African family so spanking was the way I was disciplined. I never got hurt by my parents neither did I feel mistreated in any way. It was as simple as I do something stupid and I get punished for it. Later, my mother tried all sorts of other punishments e.g. time-outs and withholding allowances and no tv for my younger brothers but nothing ever worked as well as a good old-fashioned spanking and in the end she always went back to it. I feel I am a better person for it, especially because I am the hard-headed kind. I don't hate or resent my mother for spanking me, in fact, it makes me love her even more that she moulded my character from an early age and that she did what she had to do to make me the responsible person I am today. So don't feel bad for doing it, but at the same time, know when enough spanking is enough, you don't want to go overboard into the cruel and unusual punishment territory and some things don't warrant a complete spanking, just a good pinch of the ears or cheeks. And never hit the child's head. But I think you are a great parent if you discipline your child and not let them run wild like the mollycoddled kids of these days.

    BTW, I turned out ok, I am in an Ivy League school and I speak 9 languages and I never ever lie. And I love my mommy :-)
    no, you're not a bad parent if you spank your child. it isn't child abuse. not all kids are the same. some kids are very easy and some aren't.it drives me nuts when some are very free with thier advice and assume that all kids can and should be disciplined the same. it's a last resort but sometimes it has to be done. i know for a fact that even some police officers are fed up with the crap thats going on now. some kids are now calling the cops on their parents for a swat on the butt. it's crazy. a local deputy once told my kid's'; guess what? if mom and dad want to spank your butt, they can'; (my kids we're about 13%26amp;11 at the time.)i say, as long as it's with the hand, do what you need to do.
    I hate spanking, but it's far better than no discipline at all. I like the idea of making kids do push-ups. In a few years, my husband (Army) will probably do just that!
    It sounds like you've already decided spanking is okay. It is better not to spank but is a lot more work, as well as time-consuming. It takes patience to place a toddler in timeout 12 times instead of spanking. Be consistent. Spanking teaches a child that hitting is a solution. If you want them to join the military or be a bully, I guess that works.
    it depends how old they r. if they r little kids like little 5 year olds or something like that it is appropriate because pain will make them think ';will i want to do that again'; but if their older like 13 taking privalleges away is way worse(trust me im 15).if they speak badly give them soap.
    The solution isn't spanking, it's parenting. Time outs are a great form of parenting, however most parents give in way too easily, or don't do them at all, they merely tell their kid that they're bad, and I'm sorry but negative attention is still attention, kids don't understand.

    They could also make them do pushups, that seems logical.

    However spanking does nothing, you're taking your frustration out on your kid. Also when the kids grow up they'll have spanking fetishes, which you can see by the prevalence of spanking fetishes in areas where spanking is still done by parents and schools, versus places where it doesn't happen. I mean seriously let your kids develop sexually on their own, rather than when they jerk off with a sore *** and get associative behaviour ingrained in their being.

    So spanking is a terrible option, it's nothing more than a frustrated parent not doing their job yet again. It didn't work before(lets face it the boomers were screwed up too and a lot of them got spanked), instead we need parenting. We need a way to teach people how to parent well, and how to show their kids boundaries so that the kids can stop seeking them.

    We need parental education, to show sperm and egg donors how to raise a child and be a father and mother.
    Not necessarily, as long as it is NEVER EVER meted out when angry. My 10 year old son has only been spanked about 5 times in his life, and those were after there was a series of events, consequences, leading up to the spanking.

    Don't threaten to spank, or any other form of punishment, and then not follow through.

    When my son broke a serious safety or respect rule, he was given the opportunity to explain himself, had to write a note to illustrate that he understood what he did. Then he was given a warning, if it happened again then this privelege would be taken away for this amount of time. If it happened after that next punishment, he would be spanked.

    Spankings are then handled as a HUGE event, with him having to come into the living room, getting a swat on the bare bottom. The build up to the actual spanking is worse than the hit itself; he knows we will not spank except in very few circumstances and he avoids them nearly always (it has been 2 years since the last occurence). At 10, I think we are beyond spanking so we will take away team sports events instead. But the spanking is an effective tool if used very sparingly and only when fairly forewarned.

    And ALWAYS follow a spank with a hug and a brief talk about how you love him/her and don't want to spank again, repeat the rule broken and have him/her promise to not break that rule again.
    NO. NOT AT ALL. and do not listen to any one who says different
    You sound like you've already made up your mind on the issue, but I do not think spanking (done properly) is child abuse. I have heard the argument that spanking doesn't work because you have to spank more and more. In my case it was EXACTLY the opposite. I spanked a couple of times when my daughter was little and was CONSISTENT about it (not just spanking her when I got mad - but using it as a last resort punishment in a series of steps). She hasn't had to be spanked in years and years and is a very well-behaved young lady. Good luck (and BE CONSISTENT!) :)
    By all means spank if necessary. Do not abuse. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
    ';A spank is nothing more than push ups to a soldier,..'; are you kidding me?

    You wanna make your kid run laps, climb walls, do pushups, go ahead. But do not for one moment insult us by assuming that we are all so ignorant and blind as to believe that excercise is remotely similar to hitting/spanking your child.

    Give me a break.

    You do not see managers ';spank'; their employees for poor behavior, you do not see the military ';spanking'; soldiers, and when a spouse ';spanks'; another spouse as a form of discipline it's DOMESTIC ABUSE. So why is it okay to do it to children? I just don't get that.
    Spanking should never be used as a first option, But if all else fails then you have to do some thing don't you.

    I don't see any thing wrong with a spanking.

    discipline works in levels and you teach your child by using every level to obey your laws first of all, and the laws of the land.

    Most countries have different levels of punishment for those who bend the law and so should parents.
    NO YOU ARE A BAD PARENT IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO (in my opinion) spanking is a very thin line legally. the police say it is legal but DCS says it is child abuse you need to be very careful treading that line. I believe spanking is a necessary evil to properly raise a child into a responsible productive member of society. if you choose to spank always remember on the bottom only and no more than 3 swats with your hand oh and don't hit while you are angry ( these are all dcs rules where i live)
    That's what the producers of supernanny want you to think, then they get a new episode.

    The bible says not ot spare the rod of discipline. Could his just be 'figurative' as discipline in general? Well, I was spanked. I'm not mean and sadistic. I respect authority, I pay my bills, I'm not a man-whore, I don't smoke or do drugs. I'm not abusive to my wife.

    People who say spanking leads to all those things are just making excuses for their own shortcomings.

    As long as you do it with love and understanding that they are little people who'll one day choose your nursing home.
    whack away!
    No, I always spanked my kids, but only when needed, and I done it out of love.
    NO and I repeat NO you are by no means a bad parent. kids today are so disrespectful. I mean when i was growing up my mom hit me but not my step dad. He refused to hit a girl. I had to babysit these two 6 y.olds. They can be so bratty and when the one kid didn't get what she wanted she started flipping out. Her mum asked us what she should do. We told her, hit her. Mum didn't believe in it. When her mum left I told her straight up, kid you know my mum would have spanked me for what you just did. And I talked to her lk an adult I said don't you do this again, i mean it. so you really have to be tough with them and I mean, they are kids, your smarter than they are, so act it.
    I totally agree.You don't have to kill the kid or beat him...a simple tap on the rear or hand isn't going to kill them. Everyone's views are diff. on this, but I grew up getting my a*s tore up. I am just fine.

    As long as you don't beat the kid I don't understand this whole thing. All the people making these laws majority of them had to have grown up in a home that spanked. Back then it was considered ';okay';. Now its abuse. The times are diff. in so many ways and look at the violence and bs going down.

    Its ridiculous that a parent cant make the decision now-a-days on whether to spank their own kids or not. Its sad to me!

    Personally, I wish I would have raised my children back in a simpler time.
    I agree. Solution: spank people that think its child abuse.
    Honestly I don't know either. I agree with you 100 percent. I do believe in spanking a child, not beating but spanking. AND YES...THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I know there are going to be many comments from those out there ridiculing this method of punishment, but it does work. When I was a child I didn't back talk, I wasn't disrespectful, and I did well in school. Now, all people have are excuses with NO consequences for their child's actions. Children learn this, after all if they know they can get away with something they will continue to do it. And what happens as they grow up...with no consequence their behavior becomes more and more severe. All these people THINK that they do know is that spanking is bad, but they have no alternative that actually works. Years ago when it was acceptable we didn't have near as many problems out of children that we have today.
    Personally I don't believe in spanking a child because its just like teaching them a form of violence or teaching them that its okay to hit someone.

    Thats not cool.

    Where does a single parent go to get help with financial issues?

    Community Action Agency can help with electric bill, food, and I'm sure a lot more. Local churches often run food banks and can provide temporary support (if you're LDS I've heard they have exceptionally good systems for this).

    And I mean absolutely no offense by this, but if you're working full time and can't pay rent or buy food, where is all of your money going? Perhaps a financial counselor can help you better delegate your money.Where does a single parent go to get help with financial issues?
    you can get on food stamps tan if and chip
    Well, depending on what state you live in, if you're a single parent you should be able to get some sort of assistance with groceries (it's called WIC in Missouri) depending on the ages of your children... Also, depending on what state you're in, you should be able to get some form of Medicaid for your children... I would start with the government website for your state. Usually, you can find SOME info there. Also, check out the child and family welfare department, sometimes calle DFS (division of family services)... The health and welfare of children is high priority in most states, you should be able to qualify for SOME assistance somewhere...

    Good luck!
    welfare or apply for food stamps
    If you work full time and can't get by, you are either a. not making enough money or b. spending too much money. Since the gubment cut you off, it's time to look around and figure out where all your money is going and start living within your means.
    Your local Job and Family Services, has to be able to assist you in getting help. Try community action, also if you have kids they have to off some assistance!
    Try social services they might can help. Imean they have to help you in some way surley. Ask about hud which helps pay for your rent and i think some on power. Ask about food stamps and even food bank. see if there is an angel ministeries around you it cost like 20-25 to get a good size box of food.
    If you can't get help from Public Assistant because you make too much money, here are a few tips...

    1). Downsize on your apt if you're paying too much rent

    2). Go to court and see if you can get a referral for a one-time shot for your rent to be paid if you're backed up. (Doesn't matter how much you make...If you're on the verge of being put out they will pay it)

    3). Walk places instead of using Mass Transportation

    These are different things you can do to save and also have extra money

    I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?

    My daughter is 11 and she started her period in December. Every since she will have a heavy flow for about 3 days then off for 2-3 days and it starts all over. It's the same cycle for the last few months. She has a dr appointment tomorrow but they already told me they suggest birth control for her. I was devestated. Is there any other way? Please help.I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?
    Why are you devastated to put her on the pill? What is happening to her is not good for her and her body. There is not another way and you have to do what is best for her.I need some advice on my 11 year old daughter, serious parent responses only please?
    I was only ten years old when I started my period, it was just like what you are describing and it was horrifying. Unfortunately at the time it was unheard of to put such a young girl on birth control so I had to suffer through that until I was fourteen. But now, there are so many uses for birth control such as acne, hormone regulation et cetera. Just because your daughter is going on birth control, it doesn't mean you are giving her a free pass to have unprotected sex or sex at all. I would say that this is not really for you, its for your daughter so that she doesn't have to go through what I did. It seems strange, but its worth it for her.
    Yes, if its possible for you - pls do an online search for a place near you that does an EIS Scan [Electro Interstitial Scanner] - pls look it up it will explain everything. Theres only 3 of these scanners in this country at the moment, but its very good and maybe get to the root of the problem for your daughter. Its jst a 2-3 min scan. It has helped me a great deal after being ill for many yrs.
    There probably is no other way and she needs this, because of what's going on with her. Trust me.

    Just make sure you have a talk and tell her more about birth control and if she's responsible and you trust her, don't worry. she's only eleven and i'm sure that you've parented her to make the right decisions
    Birth control has plenty of other uses. It helps people who have hormone imbalances, acne, excess body hair, irregular periods, heavy periods.. and many other things. Just don't think of it as birth control if that's what bothers you.
    birth control is the usual course of drug used to regulate periods.

    There may be other methods to use tho, depending on the cause.

    I would suggest you ask this question in women's health.. you may get better responses.
    my sister was like that when she was 9... turned out she had diabetes...
  • makeup help
  • At what age does a child have the right to decide what parent they live with in the state of Washington?

    Concerning a 16 year old minor.At what age does a child have the right to decide what parent they live with in the state of Washington?
    Probably 16, they'd have to go through a court counsellor.

    If a chinese woman marries a non-chinese man, how should the parent assign a chinese surname 4 their children?

    Should the children take on their mum's maiden chinese surname or to phonetically adopt their father's surname?If a chinese woman marries a non-chinese man, how should the parent assign a chinese surname 4 their children?
    I think its right to take their fathers surname. But the child can always take both. In my culture, we take our fathers, then our mothers. ';Father-Mother'; would be our last name. But my caucasian friend, she has her mothers last name then her fathers like ';Mother-Father'; You can always give the mothers maidain surname for the childs middlename if u would like.

    hope i helped. %26amp; good luck.If a chinese woman marries a non-chinese man, how should the parent assign a chinese surname 4 their children?
    if they're marrying in the christian way, you assign the fathers surname to the baby. Just translate the surname into our alphabet easy!

    The reason that most extrasolar planets are found close to their parent stars is?

    A. the closer to a star, the hotter and therefore brighter the planet is.

    B. the planets reflect more light the closer they are to the star.

    C. the amount and frequency of the star's motion are both higher.

    D. planets that are close to a star are heated up and therefore larger.

    E. more of the starlight is blocked by the planet when it transits the


    I need help with this questionThe reason that most extrasolar planets are found close to their parent stars is?
    Hi. Take a good look at C.

    Dose any1 have any weekly meal plan ideas for a single parent with 1 3yr old?

    I need to plan all meals, breakfast, lunch and tea for seven days for myself and my 3 yr old son, i also sometimes cook for 4 or 5 of his mates in the evening about once or twice a week. Plus we don't eat any pork products, but we do eat everything else. Any ideas will be appreciated, Thank YouDose any1 have any weekly meal plan ideas for a single parent with 1 3yr old?
    day one - Fish fingers beans and potatoes

    day 2- spag bol

    day 3 -sausages beef )potatoes and veg

    day4 - cottage pie potatoes ,veg

    day5-breaded chicken potatoes,veg

    day6 -pasta and chicken in sauce like chicken tonight country french with extra peppers

    day7-pizza and chips

    breakfast - toast ,cereal,jam fine for kids one day could be scrambled egg

    lunches soup,sandwiches,beans on toast,pasta,hotdogs

    When i'm doing my shopping i write the menu down what i want to do for a week and work out what i need for recipes etc everything is covered and i try to stick to what ive bought if i get sidetracked i find some food gets wasted.

    Try to think of 7 meals you and your son enjoy meals i suggested like fishfingers the packs can be up to 40 fishfingers so if freinds come round you have plenty for everyone.Dose any1 have any weekly meal plan ideas for a single parent with 1 3yr old?
    sasauge and mash, or chips and nuggets, hot pot, you could do spag bol with pasta twists, or do a little buffet!
    you can cook on a weekend all the food you like, then freeze it and label it with each day of the week and then just defrost it . or you can try frozen dinners
    This is for the kids, Pasta 49p Tescos, sausages, beans.

    Cook pasts, cook sausages, cook beans, chop sausages, drain pasta, throw all of it together in a saucepan done.

    Rice, peas, chicken, sweetcorn

    Cook a roast then slice the leftovers and freeze the rest.

    Why can't you use your imagination. There are loads of cheap menu ideas out there. Research get your child involved he will love it good luck
    burger king
    google some 7-day meal-plans....there are hundreds....if some of them contain pork or something you don't like you can always substitute it..... Somerfields do a 7-day dinner plan in their free mags too.

    Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?

    I think Im bipolar. And my mom does not think I am.

    And she wont at least let me check to figure out if I am or not.

    I just wanna know if I can go to a doctor with out a parent?Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    Same thing happened to me. I think you should tell a friend-- maybe they can take you or their parents can, or even more possibly a different family member could. Also, talk to a counselor at like school or something and get a referral from them saying you need to be checked out by a doctor if you can't get anybody else to take you. It's more proof to your mother that you need to go see one that way. Good luck, God bless you (:

    ~Claire. xxIs there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    If you pay for the doctor's visit yourself then they do not have to know but if you plan on using their insurance they will definitely know..... Most kids who think they have bipolar, are wrong....... try finding a support group in your area and talk to some people who really have it, that would be free and probably ease your mind.
    It would be very dicey for a doctor to see a minor patient without parental or guardian's consent. In some cases doctors can file a petition with the state you live in to award custody of you to the state, who will authorize the doctor to see you, but that would never happen for you unless your psychiatric disorder was causing you to harm yourself or others and your parent refused to get you treatment. This would also involve putting you in a foster home. In a case where a child was in some sort of accident and showed up in the hospital without any parents around the doctors will treat life threatening injuries, but not for an appointment to see if you are bipolar. Your parents could sue the doctor and the doctor could lose their license to practice medicine for treating a child without parental consent. They are not going to risk that over an outpatient psych evaluation.

    Then you come to the money. There is no get acquainted free visits with doctors. You would have to pay for their time, and for a psychiatrist to evaluate you could cost anywhere from $150 to $400 for an office visit.

    And say all this was set aside and you did get diagnosed with bipolar. You would be prescribed medications which cost hundreds of dollars per month and sometimes get therapy which you also have to pay for.

    In the end, most doctors won't even diagnose bipolar in a teenager.
    I would call different counselors and psychiatrists and see if you can get a ';get acquainted'; visit at no charge. Then, just go in and talk to the person and see what they think. It's at no charge so you won't need parent permission.

    Why is the age for piercings and tattoos 16 even with parent consent?

    i want to get my belly button pierced and the people said ';you have to be 16 with parent consent.';Why is the age for piercings and tattoos 16 even with parent consent?
    because your still growing and your body is still changing

    Plus the whole age of consent thing which means they want you to be old enough to make WELL INFORMED desicions on your own and not just because some one else did it or a fad, or how little kids wanna be like their big brothers or sisters or older school mates. Because there are always risks involved with everything and Just because ';Suzy and Booby did it and nothing bad happened it won't happened to you'; sorta thinking

    Society and the older member in it just want you to be able to comprehend the bad risks not just the positives
  • makeup help
  • Can a 13 year old get their tongue pierced in oklahoma with parent consent?

    Why don't you call the place that does the piercing and ask them. That would be much easier.Can a 13 year old get their tongue pierced in oklahoma with parent consent?
    What non-heavily-medicated parent would let a 13 year old girl pierce her tongue?????Can a 13 year old get their tongue pierced in oklahoma with parent consent?
    I dont know, I got my nose peirced when I was thirteen lol, but I didn't get it done professionally, good luck!

    Where in Louisiana can i get my lip pierced without my parent?

    im 13 and i want to get my lip pierce BUT i cant convince my parents to let me.Where in Louisiana can i get my lip pierced without my parent?
    Yeah, sounds good now, but what if you decide you don't want to wear one for the rest of you life?

    Then you got to walk around with a little scar everywhere you go.

    Have your parents (or someone) buy you the fake ones!

    No one can tell the difference.

    ';...curious as to how you will look pierced, then this is the thing for you....';

    http://mypiercing.stores.yahoo.net/fakbo鈥?/a>Where in Louisiana can i get my lip pierced without my parent?
    NO WHERE u have to have your parents as young as you are and if i was you i would not get it. I got mine pierced when i was 13 and when i turned 15 i decided i did not want it that's been 2 years ago and it still has not fullyed healed u can see the whole under my lip i regret it now.

    What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?

    Im so excited about my budgie , I want to be a good friend to him (Lazer) and I just ask if anyone could give me some helpful tips and advice on these beautiful creatures :)

    Thanks :)What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
    Make sure you do not cook with non-stick pans. If they are slightly over heated the fumes releases could kill Lazer.What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
    Congrats! If you want this to be your companion, do not get another. You will be its friend. If you get a second bird, yours will likely turn it's care to the other bird and you will be left out.

    I hope the bird was hand raised and will be your best friend.

    Be sure to clip broccoli or greens to the side of the cage for it weekly and provide a cuttle bone for needed calcium. Tiny toys too.

    You can Google - budgie care and learn more.
    Congratulations! Budgies make great pets. There are a lot of great books out there to tell you about care of your pet. If you don't own a book or can't afford to get one right now, check one out at your local library.

    One of things I really stress to anyone wanting a parakeet is to keep them out of drafts. Budgies can catch cold and if they do, they can go down very quickly. If you have a book on budgies, please be sure to read information on this and have on hand what you would need to treat a sick bird.

    Another thing to understand particularly about male budgies is that they are like roosters, in that they will give you a wake up call each morning. Yes, they squawk and chatter in the morning, just like a rooster would crow. Additionally, they will chatter away and squawk when they hear birds outside chirping.

    Budgies can be taught to say simple words and phrases. Just keep in mind that if you want the bird to talk, don't pair it with another bird and don't let it have a mirror in the cage for the first few months. Also, male budgies are the better talkers of the breed.

    When teaching a word or phrase, take the bird into a quiet room. Repeat the phrase slowly and clearly, over and over. Spend about 15-20 minutes each session. Try to have a session daily. Every bird is different, but most will have picked up their first word by about week 3. Don't try to teach more than one word or a phrase at a time. Once the phrase/word is learned, be sure to repeat it along with any new word/phrase in the new session. Pretty soon your bird will delightedly go through its whole repetoire of words and phrases all day long, and especially when it sees or hears you! I use to take mine into the bathroom and stand in front of our full-length mirror with the bird on my hand in front of my mouth or sit him on my shoulder. I'd stand very close to the mirror so he could interact with my image and his, while we had our lesson. This seemed to work very well.

    Be sure to offer your budgie a wide variety of fresh foods, not just seed or pelleted food. They need fresh greens, like celery leaves or small stalks, pieces of apple, and orange. They love cooked rice, or pasta, just be sure it has cooled before letting he bird have it. My budgie loved spaghetti with the marinara sauce and a bit of fresh parmesan cheese, water with ice cubes in it, 7Up with ice in it, cheerios in milk and many other things.

    Enjoy your new little friend. If you take good care of him, he can live for 10 or more years easily.

    well i was really excited when i got mine too :) if it came with a manual read that over a couple of times to memorize your daily routine. 'i advice NOT to get mad or hit them at this stage if they don't stay or do what you say. remember they just don't know what;s going on. Once they were with their friends playing happily and people looking and visiting them, then out of now where i ended up in a cage! it's natural for every living thing on earth! Also let them out in a room for half an hour or more for them to feel a little more free.*****Also VERY important if you get a parakeet/budgie PLEASE get 2 or more. They would be heart-broken if they were by themselves. To them it feels like a punishment! here's a VERy helpful site in training them and more about these birds: http://www.lisashea.com/petinfo/articles鈥?/a>
    You shuold get a book on budgies. I just picked one up from Ebay for less that five dollars. That is the best way to learn about parakeets is to read the book and then use that as a guide as you experience the parakeet. The book will give you details on how to train and to take care of the bird.
    Get a copy of the Animal Planet ';Parakeets'; book by Nikki Moustaki. You can pick up a copy used on Amazon for a dollar. It's excellent, a very easy read, nice layout, color photos.

    Any advice for single parent wanting to travel to Caribbean with two teenagers?

    not wanting to break the bank, looking for great snorkeling preferably in not really deep waters.....is it cheaper to book flight/hotel separately? where would you stay away from?Any advice for single parent wanting to travel to Caribbean with two teenagers?
    Playa Del Carmen Mexico is a great place for teenagers and adults...plenty to do and see...easy to get there...Beautiful beaches and ocean...search the net for package deals...and stay away from Belize...it is very expensive and second rate on everythingAny advice for single parent wanting to travel to Caribbean with two teenagers?
    Booking a package with flight and land together is usually a cheaper way to travel.

    The US Virgin Islands are a perfect vacation spot with 2 teenagers. Plenty to do and wonderful snorkeling. Here are some links.





    No passport is required to travel to the USVI.

    Good Luck and enjoy)
    Booking a package is cheeper. I suggest the Paradise Island, Bahamas at a Hotel called atlantis. Jamaica is always a good idea for family vacation.
    I would book a package, and travel to say...Antigua! Great place lots of diving, snorkeling, water sports, and partying if you'll let your teens. Try like Jolly Beach resort Antigua

    I was born through artificial insemination. How can i find my parent?

    I was born through artificial insemination 15 years ago. How can I find my father?I was born through artificial insemination. How can i find my parent?
    I would try the Donor Sibling Registry - here is the link:


    You need to talk to your mom - find out what clinic she used, see if she has the sperm donor number or info and go from there.

    Be warned - it is going to be hard - maybe even impossible. Many donors do not want to be found.

    Good luck.I was born through artificial insemination. How can i find my parent?
    It depends on whether he was anonymous or not, if he was anonymous then theres little chance of finding him afraid.

    Good luck and i hope you find him! x

    Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?

    I think Im bipolar. And my mom does not think I am.

    And she wont at least let me check to figure out if I am or not.

    I just wanna know if I can go to a doctor with out a parent?Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    Same thing happened to me. I think you should tell a friend-- maybe they can take you or their parents can, or even more possibly a different family member could. Also, talk to a counselor at like school or something and get a referral from them saying you need to be checked out by a doctor if you can't get anybody else to take you. It's more proof to your mother that you need to go see one that way. Good luck, God bless you (:

    ~Claire. xxIs there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    It would be very dicey for a doctor to see a minor patient without parental or guardian's consent. In some cases doctors can file a petition with the state you live in to award custody of you to the state, who will authorize the doctor to see you, but that would never happen for you unless your psychiatric disorder was causing you to harm yourself or others and your parent refused to get you treatment. This would also involve putting you in a foster home. In a case where a child was in some sort of accident and showed up in the hospital without any parents around the doctors will treat life threatening injuries, but not for an appointment to see if you are bipolar. Your parents could sue the doctor and the doctor could lose their license to practice medicine for treating a child without parental consent. They are not going to risk that over an outpatient psych evaluation.

    Then you come to the money. There is no get acquainted free visits with doctors. You would have to pay for their time, and for a psychiatrist to evaluate you could cost anywhere from $150 to $400 for an office visit.

    And say all this was set aside and you did get diagnosed with bipolar. You would be prescribed medications which cost hundreds of dollars per month and sometimes get therapy which you also have to pay for.

    In the end, most doctors won't even diagnose bipolar in a teenager.
    If you pay for the doctor's visit yourself then they do not have to know but if you plan on using their insurance they will definitely know..... Most kids who think they have bipolar, are wrong....... try finding a support group in your area and talk to some people who really have it, that would be free and probably ease your mind.
    I would call different counselors and psychiatrists and see if you can get a ';get acquainted'; visit at no charge. Then, just go in and talk to the person and see what they think. It's at no charge so you won't need parent permission.
  • dental cosmetics
  • Do u need a parent to get birth control?

    Im just curious because i always thought u needed a parent but now i dont think u do?Do u need a parent to get birth control?
    In most states you don't need a parent to get birth control. You just proof of insurance or the money.

    Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?

    He's not paying yet, that's why I have to be on public, cash to be exact, assistance. When the child support order goes through, and he starts paying, will I get all of it or will the gov' take it? What if I am no longer on assistance by then?Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?
    yep he pays them and then they pay you.

    Once you get off of public assistance then you can take him to court for the child support and then it will go to you. I know in NY when I was on public assistance it went to them and then after I got off of public assistance it came to me. He wages were garnished by then. Every year they send me a Cost of Living (COLA) update asking if I want to update my order of child support.Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?
    if you are on welfare the state will take your child support payments to recoup what they are paying you. once you get off of welfare the payments will come directly to you.
    In Ohio, they take keep it to pay back the assistance you are getting. Basically, he'd be paying them to give you money.

    Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?

    My kids, now in middle and high school, have had a ridiculous amount of school projects over the years. I am so tired of it! We have spent so much time on money on these projects, and they just seem like silly busy work. What ever happened to just the ';3 R's?';Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?
    Amen sister!!

    our school not only gives ridiculous projects but is also constantly asking for money for some reason. Just this week they tried to get me for $30 dollars. Something about my daughter needing ';special'; (expensive) scissors for her class. I called and said she either uses the ones we already have or else she will need to borrow from the school. Urggh!!! I feel your pain!!Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?
    I'm not a parent, but I agree that many things that are assigned in school today seem to be busy work. Especially in ';advanced'; classes. They are supposed to be harder, but in reality (most of the time anyway) the only thing hard about them is having to do all of the extra work, that in itself is not that challenging, just time-consuming. Schools seem to believe that if a student is doing something, then they are learning. I completely agree with you. Also, many things that aren't projects are just to prepare for tests. Teachers aren't teaching so that students will learn important facts and lessons; they are teaching because the kids need to do well on the exams, so that the teacher will look good, so that the school will get money. Sorry for rambling.
    you are probably not the only parent to is sick of them, but think about how your child feels when they have to do them. But those silly projects also teach your children responsibility so keep that in mind too. However if you feel that way and your kids see that, they probably may think that it is ok and they will wait till the last minute to do it, or not even so just keep in mind not to show your frustration, however, just think after high school is college and you do not have to work on anymore projects hahah
    I'm not a parent.

    But I'm pretty sure my dad is sick to death of school projects.

    Whenever I tell him that I have a project he gets angry at me =( and asks:

    I have to take you where?

    I have to buy WHAT?

    Why are you still on the computer?


    stupid school.
    lol yeah, all you need to study are books. These projects are a waste of time. Since I started homeschooling in 9th I am smarter than most kids without doing projects. Its better to study out of books because its more efficient
    You probably aren't. There are tons of people doing quite large varieties of things on Earth.

    Why is the age for piercings and tattoos 16 even with parent consent?

    i want to get my belly button pierced and the people said ';you have to be 16 with parent consent.';Why is the age for piercings and tattoos 16 even with parent consent?
    because your still growing and your body is still changing

    Plus the whole age of consent thing which means they want you to be old enough to make WELL INFORMED desicions on your own and not just because some one else did it or a fad, or how little kids wanna be like their big brothers or sisters or older school mates. Because there are always risks involved with everything and Just because ';Suzy and Booby did it and nothing bad happened it won't happened to you'; sorta thinking

    Society and the older member in it just want you to be able to comprehend the bad risks not just the positives

    Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?

    I think Im bipolar. And my mom does not think I am.

    And she wont at least let me check to figure out if I am or not.

    I just wanna know if I can go to a doctor with out a parent?Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    It would be very dicey for a doctor to see a minor patient without parental or guardian's consent. In some cases doctors can file a petition with the state you live in to award custody of you to the state, who will authorize the doctor to see you, but that would never happen for you unless your psychiatric disorder was causing you to harm yourself or others and your parent refused to get you treatment. This would also involve putting you in a foster home. In a case where a child was in some sort of accident and showed up in the hospital without any parents around the doctors will treat life threatening injuries, but not for an appointment to see if you are bipolar. Your parents could sue the doctor and the doctor could lose their license to practice medicine for treating a child without parental consent. They are not going to risk that over an outpatient psych evaluation.

    Then you come to the money. There is no get acquainted free visits with doctors. You would have to pay for their time, and for a psychiatrist to evaluate you could cost anywhere from $150 to $400 for an office visit.

    And say all this was set aside and you did get diagnosed with bipolar. You would be prescribed medications which cost hundreds of dollars per month and sometimes get therapy which you also have to pay for.

    In the end, most doctors won't even diagnose bipolar in a teenager.Is there a way I can go to a Doctor without a parent to figure out if I need be Diagnosed as Bipolar?
    I would call different counselors and psychiatrists and see if you can get a ';get acquainted'; visit at no charge. Then, just go in and talk to the person and see what they think. It's at no charge so you won't need parent permission.
    Same thing happened to me. I think you should tell a friend-- maybe they can take you or their parents can, or even more possibly a different family member could. Also, talk to a counselor at like school or something and get a referral from them saying you need to be checked out by a doctor if you can't get anybody else to take you. It's more proof to your mother that you need to go see one that way. Good luck, God bless you (:

    ~Claire. xx
    If you pay for the doctor's visit yourself then they do not have to know but if you plan on using their insurance they will definitely know..... Most kids who think they have bipolar, are wrong....... try finding a support group in your area and talk to some people who really have it, that would be free and probably ease your mind.

    What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?

    Im so excited about my budgie , I want to be a good friend to him (Lazer) and I just ask if anyone could give me some helpful tips and advice on these beautiful creatures :)

    Thanks :)What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
    Make sure you do not cook with non-stick pans. If they are slightly over heated the fumes releases could kill Lazer.What are some ';need to knows'; about budgies for a new parent :)?
    Congrats! If you want this to be your companion, do not get another. You will be its friend. If you get a second bird, yours will likely turn it's care to the other bird and you will be left out.

    I hope the bird was hand raised and will be your best friend.

    Be sure to clip broccoli or greens to the side of the cage for it weekly and provide a cuttle bone for needed calcium. Tiny toys too.

    You can Google - budgie care and learn more.
    Congratulations! Budgies make great pets. There are a lot of great books out there to tell you about care of your pet. If you don't own a book or can't afford to get one right now, check one out at your local library.

    One of things I really stress to anyone wanting a parakeet is to keep them out of drafts. Budgies can catch cold and if they do, they can go down very quickly. If you have a book on budgies, please be sure to read information on this and have on hand what you would need to treat a sick bird.

    Another thing to understand particularly about male budgies is that they are like roosters, in that they will give you a wake up call each morning. Yes, they squawk and chatter in the morning, just like a rooster would crow. Additionally, they will chatter away and squawk when they hear birds outside chirping.

    Budgies can be taught to say simple words and phrases. Just keep in mind that if you want the bird to talk, don't pair it with another bird and don't let it have a mirror in the cage for the first few months. Also, male budgies are the better talkers of the breed.

    When teaching a word or phrase, take the bird into a quiet room. Repeat the phrase slowly and clearly, over and over. Spend about 15-20 minutes each session. Try to have a session daily. Every bird is different, but most will have picked up their first word by about week 3. Don't try to teach more than one word or a phrase at a time. Once the phrase/word is learned, be sure to repeat it along with any new word/phrase in the new session. Pretty soon your bird will delightedly go through its whole repetoire of words and phrases all day long, and especially when it sees or hears you! I use to take mine into the bathroom and stand in front of our full-length mirror with the bird on my hand in front of my mouth or sit him on my shoulder. I'd stand very close to the mirror so he could interact with my image and his, while we had our lesson. This seemed to work very well.

    Be sure to offer your budgie a wide variety of fresh foods, not just seed or pelleted food. They need fresh greens, like celery leaves or small stalks, pieces of apple, and orange. They love cooked rice, or pasta, just be sure it has cooled before letting he bird have it. My budgie loved spaghetti with the marinara sauce and a bit of fresh parmesan cheese, water with ice cubes in it, 7Up with ice in it, cheerios in milk and many other things.

    Enjoy your new little friend. If you take good care of him, he can live for 10 or more years easily.

    well i was really excited when i got mine too :) if it came with a manual read that over a couple of times to memorize your daily routine. 'i advice NOT to get mad or hit them at this stage if they don't stay or do what you say. remember they just don't know what;s going on. Once they were with their friends playing happily and people looking and visiting them, then out of now where i ended up in a cage! it's natural for every living thing on earth! Also let them out in a room for half an hour or more for them to feel a little more free.*****Also VERY important if you get a parakeet/budgie PLEASE get 2 or more. They would be heart-broken if they were by themselves. To them it feels like a punishment! here's a VERy helpful site in training them and more about these birds: http://www.lisashea.com/petinfo/articles鈥?/a>
    You shuold get a book on budgies. I just picked one up from Ebay for less that five dollars. That is the best way to learn about parakeets is to read the book and then use that as a guide as you experience the parakeet. The book will give you details on how to train and to take care of the bird.
    Get a copy of the Animal Planet ';Parakeets'; book by Nikki Moustaki. You can pick up a copy used on Amazon for a dollar. It's excellent, a very easy read, nice layout, color photos.
  • dental cosmetics
  • Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?

    He's not paying yet, that's why I have to be on public, cash to be exact, assistance. When the child support order goes through, and he starts paying, will I get all of it or will the gov' take it? What if I am no longer on assistance by then?Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?
    yep he pays them and then they pay you.

    Once you get off of public assistance then you can take him to court for the child support and then it will go to you. I know in NY when I was on public assistance it went to them and then after I got off of public assistance it came to me. He wages were garnished by then. Every year they send me a Cost of Living (COLA) update asking if I want to update my order of child support.Will I get all the child support from the non-custodial parent if i am on public assistance?
    if you are on welfare the state will take your child support payments to recoup what they are paying you. once you get off of welfare the payments will come directly to you.
    In Ohio, they take keep it to pay back the assistance you are getting. Basically, he'd be paying them to give you money.

    Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?

    My kids, now in middle and high school, have had a ridiculous amount of school projects over the years. I am so tired of it! We have spent so much time on money on these projects, and they just seem like silly busy work. What ever happened to just the ';3 R's?';Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?
    Amen sister!!

    our school not only gives ridiculous projects but is also constantly asking for money for some reason. Just this week they tried to get me for $30 dollars. Something about my daughter needing ';special'; (expensive) scissors for her class. I called and said she either uses the ones we already have or else she will need to borrow from the school. Urggh!!! I feel your pain!!Am I the only parent who is sick to death of school projects?
    I'm not a parent, but I agree that many things that are assigned in school today seem to be busy work. Especially in ';advanced'; classes. They are supposed to be harder, but in reality (most of the time anyway) the only thing hard about them is having to do all of the extra work, that in itself is not that challenging, just time-consuming. Schools seem to believe that if a student is doing something, then they are learning. I completely agree with you. Also, many things that aren't projects are just to prepare for tests. Teachers aren't teaching so that students will learn important facts and lessons; they are teaching because the kids need to do well on the exams, so that the teacher will look good, so that the school will get money. Sorry for rambling.
    you are probably not the only parent to is sick of them, but think about how your child feels when they have to do them. But those silly projects also teach your children responsibility so keep that in mind too. However if you feel that way and your kids see that, they probably may think that it is ok and they will wait till the last minute to do it, or not even so just keep in mind not to show your frustration, however, just think after high school is college and you do not have to work on anymore projects hahah
    I'm not a parent.

    But I'm pretty sure my dad is sick to death of school projects.

    Whenever I tell him that I have a project he gets angry at me =( and asks:

    I have to take you where?

    I have to buy WHAT?

    Why are you still on the computer?


    stupid school.
    lol yeah, all you need to study are books. These projects are a waste of time. Since I started homeschooling in 9th I am smarter than most kids without doing projects. Its better to study out of books because its more efficient
    You probably aren't. There are tons of people doing quite large varieties of things on Earth.

    How can you let parent in on giving you a big gift!!?

    Well I always asked for a horse but they say no we have no room or to much!! well what other pets that are big and loveable? b/c I love to love animals and loe to see their ways or loving me back!!How can you let parent in on giving you a big gift!!?
    Horses are a HUGE responsibility physically, and financially. They are very expensive to maintain and take a lot of care. If you are very serious about getting a horse and understand all the responsibility you take on having one, then keep that in mind for the future when you can afford it yourself. In the mean time, if you want a big pet, get a large dog. I have 4 and love them all. They are great, but research breeds and see which one best fits your lifestyle. Make sure you do that with any pet you are interested in. Remember, if you want a pet to love you back, you don't need a big one to satisfy that. Something smaller, i.e. a small dog, cat or ferret, can do the trick. As long as you love it and take good care, the feelings will be mutual! Good luck!How can you let parent in on giving you a big gift!!?
    i can relate.im young and want a horse soooooooo bad.theyre not big but rats will always love u back.i ahve had 4 and 2 now.they love you back and are very,VERY VERY VERY sweet,loving little guys.or ask for riding lesson.u can be near horses w/out buying one
    i also can relate to that i use to ask my parents for a horse all the time but then they weakened and now i have 8.what about a cat?

    By law if a parent is found to unfit can the grandparent be sued in court and forced to support the child?

    I have been told under a new federal law passed in Mass.that if a parent is found unfit to support a child that the state can take paternal grandparent to court and force the to support their grandchild. Please I need answers to this question.By law if a parent is found to unfit can the grandparent be sued in court and forced to support the child?
    If the law was passed only in Mass. Then it cannot be a federal law. Because federal laws apply to the whole country and not just one state.

    But if the state government has passed such a law. Then this law is probably unconstitutional. Because grandparents don't have any automatic right to have custody of their grandchildren. And making grandparents responsible for supporting their grandchildren would be grossly unfair.By law if a parent is found to unfit can the grandparent be sued in court and forced to support the child?
    How old are the parents? If they are under 21, that could happen because you are legally responsible for your children until they are 21(however, this doesn't mean they will). The state has to get the money to pay for the current custodians so they are going to try and get it from the parents (up to 17% of their income for one child-35% for multiple children). I don't live in Mass so I am giving you an answer based on NY. However, if you get custody of the child, you will be able to get public assistance to be able to pay for the child and the state will try and get the money from the parents. In order to gain custody, you will be subject to a background check. In some states, they can give you temporary custody and others make you become foster parents or get permanent custody.
    Without actually seeing this law, I'd have to say NO. How can a Grandparent be sued for the actions of their child who is your parent. Unless that Grandparent had Full custody then they have no financial responsibility for their Grandchildren. I would suggest you get a copy of this ';Law'; and read it carefully, if you need clarification, then seek out a Legal Opinion.

    Is any other single parent feeling the pressure?

    Im really feeling crappy and down this week. Feel im fighting a loosing battle, juggling work, study, being a mum, running a home, and trying to keep a fairly new relationship on track. Anyone else feeling the same?Is any other single parent feeling the pressure?
    absolutely...and i know there are some out there that will have a sarcastic comment for you, but the pressure sometimes is immense....my parents are away on holiday, my brother in hosptal having a serious operation, and i have a broken ankle...my 3 are 11, 13 and 15, and i have been on my own since the youngest was 6 weeks, when my supposedly 'wonderful' husband left us....things can be so tough at times, and you have 100% sympathy from me.....i am feeling so vulnerable at he mo, not having my mum, dad and brother around, and the only good friend I have has a new partner, so i feel alone, but we will get there, and just think of the amazing job we are doing!Is any other single parent feeling the pressure?
    Yes I feel like that a lot, I'm in exactly the same position as you and what makes it worse is that my kids wouldn't see their dad so they were with me 24/7, which made it even more difficult, especially witht the new relationship. Now they may be having a little contact with their dad and that opens up a whole new can of worms - good in respect I may get a little time for me and my new fella and bad in that last time he had contact he wanted to see them only when it suited him and wouldn't stick to any plans.
    I'm not a single mom but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you and all the other single mothers that you guys are awesome.

    My husband is currently deployed. This is my first ';real'; stay with two boys by myself. Let me tell you, I don't even work and I'm exhausted!

    Big props to you. Hang in there, I'm sure you're doing an amazing job. Tomorrow's another day so just take it easy today and start with a clean slate tomorrow! Best of Luck!
    My son will be 21 in June but for most of his life I was a single parent and I hated every moment of it. Maybe that's because I took the responsibility very seriously, as you should. Now he's grown though it's become a distant memory but please don't feel you have to be perfect. It's hard enough when two of you are dealing with things but when you're on your own you have to be bad cop as well as good cop and for me at least I felt hugely guilty, especially if I couldn't financially provide as well as some other parents.

    Your child thinks you're amazing and wouldn't swap you for the world. It's ok to cry and be human. Everyone is the same behind closed doors so don't believe they're not.

    Well done. You obviously work hard and people like you make me proud. xx
    Ah darling my heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel. I am a single mum,, I have no family to fall back on. I love my son to bits but the pressure is immense. I struggle financially and emotionally. Its so hard on yr own with a child, especially if you don't get much support. I did look to see if I could contact you privately but you don't allow email or IM. Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk to someone in the same boat! xx
    Oh babe - been there, done that!!!

    I was a single parent for about 17 yrs! The best and worst of times! I have felt like ';I can't go on!!'; and then you will overhear a conversation between your child and one of their friends and it makes it all better. I was walking down the hall when my son was in Middle School and heard his friend ask ';since you don't have a dad - who taught you to....(ride bike, play ball, etc, etc)'; -- he proudly announced 'MY MOM!'. I just hurried down the hall with tears running down my face - full of pride for the understanding and loving young man that I managed to raise!

    You too will get through this rough patch! If you need to vent, feel free to email me.
    If it's any consolation to you I am not a single parent and I'm struggling to cope with it all so the fact that you even have time to ask the question is amazing. It's not easy.

    Well done and I'm sure you will get through it and when you look back at it in the future you will laugh.

    It must make you and your kids stronger and closer.

    Keep your chin up
    I was a single mom of 5 boys for a long time. college student. worked, more. yeah you get there and just when your on the edge and think you cant take a bit more in walked a grubby kid who uprooted the flowers you just planted and spilled soda on your homework with a scripple on a sale flyer and he tells you that this is him and this is mommy and this is the flower he is giving mommy becuase he loves her. It makes every pain in the world worth it.
    Yep hunni, I feel like this most days.......

    My life is like bloody ground hog day every day!! Each one exactly the same and equally as sh1te! But, I must say the happiest thing that ever happened to me was having my little girl.......yes, after having her I was dumped - became strapped for cash - had no social life - constantly stressed about bills etc

    But I would never, ever have it any other way because when she comes into my room in the morning to wake me or I wake her - her face tells me it's all worth it! When she hugs and kisses me and tells me she loves me - I'd go through everything all over again in a heartbeat!

    Thing will get easier and rememeber the babes grow up and will eventually leave you so savour the time you have will them ! its priceless.......your a strong woman and you will succeed even if you get down - just get back up!
    i am doing the same, but only sometimes feel the preasure, email me if you want some down to earth chat... racheal x
    I'm struggling with the same things and trying to get through them, however, I'm with my same guy. I want to crack and scream and cry when that pressure raises to the top. But the best thing I can tell you is to keep your calm and try talking to a close friend or relative about your problems.
    try vodka...it works for me!
    I am not a single mum, but I grew up with one who worked all the time because our dad only gave me, her and my brother sixty quid a week to live on between us. I was a nightmare, my brother was a wreck and my mum used to have a breakdown once every two years and refuse to leave her bedroom.

    Sounds negative I know, but I just wanted to say that you sound like an incredible person to be doing what you're doing. Being a mother is hell as far as I can make out, and I worship and look up to mine since I got old enough to work out just what a horrible time she was having. I love her tons and I bet your kids will worship you when they realise what you've done for them. Don't give up, you're not fighting a losing battle, you're working towards a fantastic future. You don't have to be perfect btw, just do what you can, the fact you're keeping it up at all is incredible.

    if it makes u feel better, my babys not evn born yet n im feeling the pressure!! having just been told i've got to move by July as the in laws i live wiv at the mo (wanted to support me as much as poss) are moving early August to Birmingham!! my claim to benefit taht i put in in...oo...feb STILL hasn't been sorted (lost it abt 3 times now) and my ex (babys dad) has pretty much just shown me he'll show off our daughter, but actually caring 4 her is my 'problem' nice bastard that he is!
    All the time. There just aren't enough hours in the day, are there? I only have one 3 year old and she's takes up all my time, I really don't know how any woman manages with more.

    Then people have the audacity to say we only have children for the money. There are a lot easier things to do for money than have kids.

    I suppose we just keep going because we don't really have a choice. We do a fantastic job and we should be really proud of ourselves.

    Vato, thank you for your comments, it's really nice to know that ';normal'; mothers can appreciate where we're coming from; I wish your hubby a safe return and God Bless Him for his selfless help.
    i hate all that pressure