It might vary by state, but a lot of insurance companies offer a discount if you show proof of having taken driving lessons with a professional. Considering that you'll pay much higher rates until you are 25, it might be worth it to get the discount. Look for good student discounts too...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Is it okay for you to not go to a drivers training school, but train with a parent?
Since I'm over 17 1/2, and don't really feel like wasting the $265 for a drivers training school since I'll be 18 in less than 6 months, is it okay if I do my 50 hours of driving with my parents? Or is it required to go to a driving school?Is it okay for you to not go to a drivers training school, but train with a parent?
It might vary by state, but a lot of insurance companies offer a discount if you show proof of having taken driving lessons with a professional. Considering that you'll pay much higher rates until you are 25, it might be worth it to get the discount. Look for good student discounts cosmetics
It might vary by state, but a lot of insurance companies offer a discount if you show proof of having taken driving lessons with a professional. Considering that you'll pay much higher rates until you are 25, it might be worth it to get the discount. Look for good student discounts too...
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