Saturday, July 31, 2010

How can a 15 year old pick their legal parent.?

My parents are divorced, around a year now. My mother was a nice person at the time, but now she has changed. I am currently living 50/50 (+ More Reasons, Personal)

So, I wanted to live with my father. I was wondering how old you have to be to to Choose a parent In Manitoba, Canada?

Also, do you need to go to court or anything.

My Father has not '; Influenced'; Me in any way, so It is MY decision.

How can a 15 year old pick their legal parent.?
You can get your dad to file for full custody. You just have to really make sure that your reason is because he is the better parent. Do not even bother doing this if you just got grounded or something. You will regeret it! Do it because you honestly feel that your father is the one who provides for you better and listens better and is just an overall more caring and loving parent! How can a 15 year old pick their legal parent.?
Yes, you'll have to go to court. I suggest you have your father contact his custody attorney to get the most accurate answer in regards to the age that you can choose who you live with.
You mean custodial not legal. Both of your parents are your legal parents.

You can always talk to your dad about trying to get full custody of you.
If you could stick it out with your mum till your 16 i think it would be a cleaner option.

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